Comment 62190

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted April 13, 2011 at 11:04:22

The Green Party has continued to make the fatal error of attempting to be "a national" party and running candidates across the country. Its a fools errand. Elizabeth May has exacerbated the problem and slit her own throat by running in different ridings in successive elections. Last time she was an East Coaster, this time she's off to Lotus Land. Which is it Liz?

If the Greens wish to have any influence in parliament, have any voice that anyone will listen too in this country, they need to concentrate their efforts. Their base is clearly urban left of center voters who feel disenfranchised by the NDP, and LIberals. So go after those voters. Center on Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal. ELECT SOMEONE.

The Reform Party was a "fringe party" until ole Preston actually went out and got some people elected. People tend to take you a little more seriously in the political arena if you actually hold some seats in parliament.

As for the current "independents" in the house. They are both cast out members of established parties. So that argument doesn't wash.

Ms May should.... instead of pissing and moaning about not being included in the debate, get her message out.

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