Comment 61912

By bobinnes (registered) - website | Posted April 06, 2011 at 18:10:04 in reply to Comment 61887

Thanks Ryan. I do appreciate the detail - I'll let you and Mattm debate the fine points and accept Undustrial's caveat. So without further input it's a qualified 'yes'.

My issue: Decades ago, I heard a news story that Japan had just refused to buy our CANDUs because they wanted to build their own. Given the Jap cars being imported then till now, I was furious, then till now. Why are we trading freely with partners who close us out of their markets?

So my sympathy with Japan is muted a little.

Anyway, supplementary question. Should I/we perhaps cut Japan a little slack if they used BWRs instead of PWRs because presumably PWRs could simply blow up during an earthquake? ie could a PWR ever be designed to withstand unknowable shaking? Thanks.

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