Comment 61727

By lorne (registered) - website | Posted March 29, 2011 at 10:49:42

Ballyhoo, I must respectfully disagree with your inference that I am being hypocritical. Because I wanted the piece to be fairly brief, I left out the specific context, i.e., the Government's many acts over the past five years that show its disdain for the people of Canada. Remember that in our Parliamentary democracy, those that we elect represent us, and so contempt for Parliament is in fact contempt for the people.

Should you so desire, I will be glad to list these acts when I have the time (it being a somewhat long list).

As well, my understanding of ad hominems is that they are usually attacks on individuals, not groups, so unless you share the perception of many that the Harper government is in fact a one-man show, I don't think it applies here. Also, it is usually an attack that has nothing to do with the contention or argument. For example, to attack global warming by saying, "I don't believe the evidence Al Gore brought out in 'An Inconvenient Truth' because he couldn't keep his marriage together" is an ad hominem, since Al Gore's marital status has nothing to do with the evidence he used in the documentary.

I hope this explanation has been helpful.

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