Comment 61726

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted March 29, 2011 at 10:36:05 in reply to Comment 61717

He didn't simply say that "the Harper Government has shown its contempt for parliament" - if he had, that would be only the mildest hyperbole and wouldn't rate comment.

But he wrote that "the Harper Government has show its contempt for the Canadian people for five years." That's a contemptuous statement itself and seems deliberately insulting - to the members of the Harper cabinet directly and indirectly to supports of the CPC. That's hardly the way to kick-start a civil discussion of politics.

I'm not leaping to Harper's or shilling for his policies. I'm pointing out that "civil discussion" does not allow unfettered sniping on those who are considered outside the pale of progressive, small-l liberal opinion which seems the norm on RtH.

As hard as it may be for many progressive urbanists to believe, there are non-troll participants here who are of the conservative persuasion - we can't assume that we can sling mud at conservatives and only spatter trolls.

Comment edited by moylek on 2011-03-29 10:39:23

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