Comment 61503

By nyscof (anonymous) | Posted March 25, 2011 at 09:03:55

The most successful campaigns to stop fluoridation are ones which bring the information to the people because fluoridation just is not interesting enough or understandable to the average person for them to become engaged in the discourse.

Petitioning in real life (not on the internet) allows you to explain in a few sentences why ingesting fluoride is unhealthy, unnecessary, money-wasting and/or a violation of freedom of choice. People will take a few minutes out of their day to listen to you and sign the petition.

There's no easy way out. People need to be told over and over that fluoridation is not a good thing and why to wash away all the positive stuff that's been ingrained in their brain probably since reading kindergarten books about going to the dentist and watching toothpaste commercials during children's programming. It's not their fault. It's up to us to patiently educate people whenever we can.

Those that need more in depth information can go to website such as http://www.FluorideAction.Net or

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