Comment 6106

By holdon (anonymous) | Posted March 28, 2007 at 12:20:53

I think we need to look at the bigger picture here folks. Transit is not a low income transportation program, it is a piece of infrastructure needed by any modern city, and as such it needs to be properly maintained. The city has delayed increasing fares for many years now by using gas tax money. This is not what the gas tax was for - it was for expanding transit systems. What is the use of keeping fares low if, at the end of the day, there are more and more people left standing at bus stops because there isn't enough buses to meet demand. Even after this increase, Hamilton has, and will continue to have, one of the lowest fares in the country.

As an aside, if you have guys like Eisenberger, McHattie, and Bratina, all voting for the fare increase, and Merulla, Collins, and Morelli voting against, there is more to this issue than a simple yes or no proposition.

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