Comment 6088

By adrian (registered) | Posted March 27, 2007 at 20:59:16

This is absolutely unacceptable. There was no support for this hike among Hamiltonians. I read through the It's Your Future survey results and I was amazed by the number of people who mentioned public transit as a top priority for the city. Not just public transit: AFFORDABLE, efficient public transit.

I think it is important that we get the names of the councilors who voted in favour of the hike (rather than guess, although I'm interested to see how nobrainer's prediction turns out). These councilors have already, by their actions, shown they aren't accountable to what Hamiltonians want. But I'd like to hear them try and justify themselves anyways.

There is no doubt that public transit is one of Hamilton's biggest challenges. There is no doubt that excellent, affordable public transit is a hallmark of every successful city. And that means that this decision, which city planners admit will diminish ridership, makes this a sad day for Hamilton.

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