Comment 60858

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted March 10, 2011 at 08:04:47 in reply to Comment 60854

Maybe we need a law no drunks period! That would solve 80% of the problem

I don't know whether hammertime is kidding or not. But after reading the Police Blotter in The Spec, I incline to think the very same thing. It is astonishing how much of our crime and fighting and domestic violence is fuelled by alcohol. Which is not to say 'caused by drunkenness', of course - our individual and social flaws will out, more or less, one way or another.

And yet - dear God, would I be loathe to wish away beer, wine and whiskey. Even for peace on earth.

Not that wishing away is an option. And we know that prohibition doesn't work very well, either.

And there is a greater problem with just wishing away or banning alcohol: our world minus alcohol would not simply equal our current world minus alcohol & its alcohol-fuelled problems. It would be a different world with Lord-knows what new problems. Maybe a better world, but probably not quite so much better and not what we expected.

I wish I had a clever, thought-provoking solution to cap this off with. Not surprisingly, I don't.

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