Comment 60815

By Mahesh_P_Butani (registered) - website | Posted March 09, 2011 at 00:45:28

" environment that is more fault-tolerant than our streets are today: streets in which neither driver error nor pedestrian error are likely to result in loss of life."

Can the idea of "Shared Space" gain traction in Hamilton?

Below are a few thoughts on this:

  • Shared Space Images

  • Designing the 21stCentury Street - was a design challenge to generate viable street design options - Their goal was to: "...think of our streets as first serving the basic needs of pedestrians, then bikes, then cars, but towards a balance of providing for all functions." Here are all the ideas they received, along with ideas that stood out.

  • "Ted Dewan is the pioneer of 'road witching'. Towards the end of this video he makes some connections with David Engwicht's 'mental speed bumps'. David also promotes safety through intrigue and uncertainty. -- Cars drove dangerously fast on Ted's residential street in Oxford, England - until he began installing activist art on the street. It brought the community together (even the mayor got on board), slowed the traffic, and improved the experience for everyone involved. -- Ted's talk also mentions the emerging possibilities of Shared Space. All of this is about reclaiming at least some of our street space as public realm again. It is about treating streets as places not highways."

  • Introduction to SharedSpace: A collection of 14 videos

  • The subtle art of traffic management

  • Integration or segregation in Urban Road Networks

Comment edited by Mahesh_P_Butani on 2011-03-09 01:26:10

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