Comment 60693

By seancb (registered) - website | Posted March 04, 2011 at 08:48:15

Enforcement would be great, but the real answer lies in the design of the street.

For example, if each ramp arrived to main at a proper 90 degree angle with a light (as they would in any other city, including suburban areas who openly bow down to car culture such as brampton etc) then the problem would be solved without paying police to regularly slap wrists.

When you come off the highway, you'd get your own green and you could comfortably turn and then change into whatever lane you'd like without having to battle people coming from the other ramp and from west hamilton. If Main were two way, it would be even less chaotic since you'd only have to change 2-3 lanes.

A cheaper option would be to have the ramps curbed all the way to dundurn. Meaning if you come from ancaster on the 403 you an only go straight or right at dundurn. If you wqere coming from burlington you can only go straight or left at dundurn. These restrictions would totally work - but would be unnecessary if we would stand back and fix it RIGHT the first time.

Unfortunately, the political will required to change these ramps into lights is huge - as this would require co-operation between the city and the province.

That being said, the city and province had no qualms about getting together to build a cloverleaf at clappisons.

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