Comment 60635

By drb (registered) - website | Posted March 03, 2011 at 01:39:30 in reply to Comment 60633

Come on Smith. Enough with the bait and switch. Your first response was with regard to resources. I admit if your are talking about natural resources we haven't run out of any yet. But other than solar based resources (agriculture, energy), or geothermal energy most other natural resources are finite, either by supply or the economics of extraction. The Earth simply cannot resupply these resources given the speed of our consumption.

Highways, laser eye clinics, and any other market based "resource" rely entirely on finite natural resources. They are Products not resources! You can't pick and choose which part of the economy you use to make your point.

Purposefully misrepresenting products as resources is dishonest and an unfair response to Tybalt's answer to your question.

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