Comment 60634

By RiDDleMeThis (anonymous) | Posted March 03, 2011 at 00:36:56

Undustrial ... sorry but you simply cannot compare development charges municipality to municipality and make such vague blanket statements. It's apples and oranges especially in consideration of the different market realities. In short, realative to median price, Hamilton is actually one of the most EXPENSIVE cities in Canada in which to build according to the most recent paper on Government Imposed Charges released by CMHC.

At 17.6 per cent of the price, Hamilton is 4th highest in Canada. And since the data was collected prior to July's $7,500 increase in Development Charges, it is a safe bet that the percentage is even higher now (and perhaps too is Hamilton's position on the list).

And Robert D ... 'ongoing maintenance' IS paid for by the city, you're right. But the funds to take care of that are called property taxes. Development charges are NOT collected to pay for maintenance. If they were, every homeowner in the city would be getting a HUGE retroactive bill in the mail for sewer and watermain replacements.


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