Comment 60620

By Tybalt (registered) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 21:34:08 in reply to Comment 60535

I have family on the reserve, I'm there several times a month. I'd make an observation.

People I talk to are angry at SN, but very few are violent. There is tremendous frustration at a land claims process or accounting process that takes decades to spin itself out, for sure, and that can cause anger when the community develops a feeling that it is under attack. (A number of the angriest ones you see in footage, also, are activists who come from outside for big events.)

SN has big, big problems. It's also a really engaged community where a lot of people are working on solutions, and many more people are much more engaged in constructive solutions than in playing a blame game. The community's making great strides - not always ones I consider positive, but great strides.

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