Comment 60606

By Shempatolla (registered) - website | Posted March 02, 2011 at 17:58:28

I have read a lot of the comments here and both sides have points that have merit. I think the frustration in Caledonia stems from the fact that for both sides the government dropped the ball. Whether the Six Nations claim has merit or not, there is a proper forum to express it. The courts. Being aboriginal does not absolve one or a group or a Band from acting outside of the rule of law in this country. Blatchford's book deals almost exclusively with this issue. It does not make any attempt to analyze or assign blame to one side or the other with respect to the land claim. Its sole subject is the break down of the rule of law, the failure of the government to instruct the OPP to enforce the law and the abandonment that a community felt over the issue.

If any non native individual participated in the activities that transpired in Caledonia (and are captured on video tape), they would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The G20 summit and its aftermath is simple proof of that. Anarchists that participated in property destruction, violence and the destruction of police vehicles and equipment are being hunted down and prosecuted. They should be. That certainly did not happen in Caledonia.

Wait for it........ here they come...... the accusations of bigotry and racism......

Should I bother to post an image of my band card from the Aboriginal Community of Maniwaki ?

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