Comment 60576

By bob lee (anonymous) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 13:28:33 in reply to Comment 60547

I take a lot of the anti-aboriginal comments as expressions of the same notion of 'reverse racism' mouthed by Tea Partiers against Obama over the last few years. I'm sure it's been around since reconstruction.

This idea is repugnant, and couched in language of equality. The idea is that now that we are free of our historical baggage, which a black president or post-Delgamuukw treaty environment offers a glimpse of - then white people can finally get a taste of that one argument that's always been off the table, marginalization. It's a convenient time for white people to claim equality when aboriginal people finally are getting Constitutional rights protected and affirmed.

So I don't have much sympathy with the sentiment that 'maybe this is not racism' or 'maybe Aboriginal people are racists too.' I don't deny these are logical possibilities, but given what we've already heard, given our history, this is again a pretty convenient place to take a brave ideological stand on the basis of common sense and equality.

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