Comment 60573

By Brandon (registered) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 13:23:24

I think the real problem here is understanding who dealt in bad faith.

The natives have legitimate issues based on treaties that they signed in good faith but were trampled on by the government and ignored for decades. Now there are a number of good native lawyers who looked at the issues and realized that they are owed something.

The people of Caledonia, however, bought their land and their homes in good faith with no idea of the minefield that they were wading in to and, justifiably, are upset by the whole thing. Naturally, it's the "troublemaker" who gets the blame instead of the faceless bureaucrats who caused all the problems in the first place.

What's the solution? Beyond me, but there's a heck of a lot more going on below the surface than is immediately apparent or known to most of the commentators.

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