Comment 60561

By Simon (registered) - website | Posted March 02, 2011 at 12:05:03

If you have ever been in court, or in a formal setting that involves a so called "Native" issue - the second that you disagree - or even dare to question - those representing said Native issue (ie legal counsel, First Nations spokes people or elders etc.) you are first told that you need to be "educated" and if you still disagree you are accused of being "racist".

As Christine Blatchford legitimately points out - there are some very serious issues stemming from Caledonia that have to do with law and order and policing - and have nothing to do with race.

As for "Racism in Hamilton Appalling" - one could just as easily go onto some of the Six Nations oriented news outlets and find a series of almost the exact same comments directed against non-Natives - "Racism on Six Nations Appalling" is equally applicable.

The bottom line - as Moylek points out, calling racism is a common tactic used to stifle honest discussion about real issues.

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