Comment 60547

By slodrive (registered) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 11:38:12 in reply to Comment 60543

"Racist" is pretty much the worse non-criminal thing we can accuse someone of. We abuse the term by using it to describe bigotry and stereotyping."

This is true. But (brace for some exaggeration of my own here), is there another explanation why people would come out in droves because a housing development was blocked?? Generally, I'd say we're a pretty passive group who barely bat an eye when sludge incinerators are being proposed. If an open stretch of land near my neighbourhood was saved from development I know that my neighbours would be quite happy. But, if the "indians" were behind it, would that change their opinion? More than anything, that's a race-based decision.

I agree with the heaviness of the term. But, perhaps we are simply too afraid to use it? Perhaps not enough shame is levied on those who promote, at the least, very close-minded views of situations they are likely quite ignorant of.

Comment edited by slodrive on 2011-03-02 11:39:14

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