Comment 60545

By slodrive (registered) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 11:28:28 in reply to Comment 60530


Really interesting post. Very thought-provoking -- appreciate you sharing it. I certainly agree and see validity in the prejudice theorizing.

My only thought would be that many of the barbs used in the comments are the manifestation of racism.

The assertion that "indians" (at best, an questionable label) are lazy and dependent on white-man guidance and handouts - devoid of any sociological context-- screams racism to me. And most don't seem to infer much distinction between on-reserve or off-reserve natives. Perhaps that's my own bias, though.

I don't think anyone, inside or outside the Haudenosaunee community, would argue that there aren't major problems that need to be fixed. Not unlike any community -- particularly those where resources are thin; and exponentially more evident in communities where structural racism has a history.

My only concern is that what we are seeing are the loudest, most obnoxious members of the community. Like with any issue or opinion, it can be an indicator there are many who share similar beliefs but are simply less vocal.

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