Comment 60543

By moylek (registered) - website | Posted March 02, 2011 at 11:16:52 in reply to Comment 60540

The first statement in nobrainer's post is almost incendiary enough to pass for racism, I guess. But mostly what I see are attacks on a group of people from a place - a place associated with crime and poverty, not entirely unfairly.

"Goddam Indians - they're always drunk and aren't capable of doing honest work." That's racist.

"The Six Nations is a nest of car thieves and gun smugglers." That's an exaggeration and an unfair generalization which contains some truth that we ignore at the expense of understanding conflicts between the Six Nations and the surrounding communities.

"Asian's can't be trusted." That's racism.

"Wow - Korean immigrants are crazy drivers." That's an exaggeration and an unfair generalization which contains some truth which we might at least consider before loaning our van to that nice Mr. Park next door.

"Racist" is pretty much the worse non-criminal thing we can accuse someone of. We cheapen our arguments and devalue the meaning of "racism" by using it to describe bigotry and unpalatable stereotyping.

Comment edited by moylek on 2011-03-02 12:21:49

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