Comment 60516

By slodrive (registered) | Posted March 02, 2011 at 09:08:03 in reply to Comment 60486

First off, thanks again to the RTH crew for posting this. I really appreciate it.

What I found most upsetting was that, in my opinion, these comments weren't necessarily from the same clowns. Sure, there were a couple that would attempt to go head-to-head with CharterRights -- who would quickly dispose of their stereotypes and scapegoating with actual education. But, the wide range of people, many of whom were decently written and, by all other accounts, came across as 'intelligent', who spouted this stuff really made me question how tolerant and progressive we really are. I mean, we are in fairly close proximity to a few First Nation territories -- how can these opinions be this prevalent?!? And, self-included, the education about key treaties and relationship with Canada is either non-existent or grossly imbalanced.

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