Comment 60486

By bob lee (anonymous) | Posted March 01, 2011 at 21:28:46

I agree with you, but it's also pretty much par for the course for the spec's comments section. The same thug who in one breath spouts racism is the next piece calling for an end to our police state birth certificate monitoring system. That is, these comments by loonies are not worth your time spent reading them.

There is one commenter there though who really knows his stuff, CharterRights. I'm pretty sure the organizer on the aggrieved redneck side posts once in a while too.

A more worrying issue for me is how little coverage we get of the issues outside of these flare-ups. The press has only been trying to sell newspapers, as you note, or engage in tawdry hate mongering, aka Christie Blatchford. It would be nice to get greater coverage here on RTH too, so thanks for the letter!

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