Comment 60451

By Suffering in Binbrook (anonymous) | Posted March 01, 2011 at 11:08:23

Why the heck is the Chamber getting involved. This fight is mostly a residential fight...not a business I wrong??

To Undustrial: Lets think about this for a minute. If you ask any Binbrook resident that lived here before amalgamation, 90-95% of the time he or she will tell you - WE DIDN'T ASK FOR OR WANT THE DISASTER OF THE NEW DOWNTOWN BINBROOK that now exists. That, my friend, was a pure result of amalgamation. Some of us rural residents are suffering with the toxic smell and overflows of a high pressure sewage line that deposits downtown Binbrook crap into a pit near our homes. We've had to deal with this for over 2 years. The Ministry of Environment is investigating the situation. We didn't ask for this either. Some of us have wells in the area - so a flooded basement is one thing and toxic undrinkable water is on a whole other playing field wouldn't you agree???

So these are the not so little things we've had to endure because of amalgamation and unresponsible City of Hamilton governmental decisions.

We made a decision and voted in a new representative - one of the few wards who did - in hopes things will change and get better for us.

One thing I think is clear - very few (urban or rural) see the advantage of suburban sprawl - it needs to be controlled and the suburban sprawl that occurred in Binbrook was without thought and the planner who was put on that case should have been fired. The sewage infrastructure is not up to spec and is in danger of bursting due to over capacity. The roads are not capable of handling the additional traffic and accidents and sometimes deaths are occurring on rural roads due to increased traffic and people rushing to get to work.

The majority of the land in the new "city" is rural. Rural, suburban and urban - we just don't work. If we can't get deamalgamated, maybe we can rebrand the "city" with a new name - perhaps that would help - something rural. I like the name the City of Wentworth.

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