Comment 60378

By Borrelli (registered) | Posted February 28, 2011 at 11:34:48

Despite the fact that the Globe has yet to run his column anywhere near a front page, they have been providing space for Jeff Rubin's views on peak-oil for the past couple of years.

His column and blog, while largely repetitive of arguments he made in his book, is well written, well researched, and very good alternative to the re-heated press releases that we now call "business journalism."

As his bio says (my emphasis),

"The consequences [of rising oil prices] would be severe. He argued that it wasn't sub-prime mortgages, but record oil prices that drove the world economy into its deepest post-war recession. And unless the economy starts to wean itself off an ever depleting supply of affordable oil, he believes there will be other recessions to follow as economic recoveries quickly push oil prices right back into triple digit range. But weaning our economy off oil means some fundamental changes in the way we live.

"That's not the kind of message chief economists' at investment banks are supposed to deliver so he resigned from CIBC World Markets to write about it in his new book Why Your World Is About To Get A Whole Lot Smaller."

Comment edited by Borrelli on 2011-02-28 11:35:15

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