Comment 60189

By Mr. Meister (anonymous) | Posted February 23, 2011 at 09:56:59

If you are interested in handmade shoes or any other olde item try looking up a group called SCA( Society for Creative Anachronism). This group deals with the six to sixteen hundreds. While there are many who deal with it in a very casual way happily using modern items with a historic feel or look there are also others who actually work in the historic manner. There are (at least there were) people who make virtually anything including shoes, spinning yarn, weaving cloth, woodworking, leather working, armouring, sword and knife making and a whole lot more.

Any of these pursuits is noble pursuit and can certainly be a lot of fun while resulting is some surprisingly wonderful results but necessary is another animal altogether unless you see a doomsday nuclear war or something similar.

Good luck with your endeavor, I hope your shoes turn out wonderfully. I do not know if you are familiar with Tundra Leather on King St. they would be a good source of both materials and knowledge if you need either.

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