Comment 59787

By Darwood Kaye (anonymous) | Posted February 15, 2011 at 05:57:07

I know this probably makes me a prime candidate for 20 minutes of sweaty dick punching, but the UFC increasingly seems to me to be a thesis on the existential plight of contemporary masculinity. Abstract: Men might not be the corporate bread-earners of their father's generation, and may not even be pursuing post-secondary studies like their sisters, but at least they're getting an education on gender roles, set in an approximation of a prison panopticon.

My palate is somewhat like Hopeful's – however entertaining it might be (though its earliest incarnation was more entertaining if more anarchic), I can't imagine stripping flesh off of ribs with my teeth while watching a session of orgiastic face-pummeling. (If I frequented strip clubs I imagine I would avoid ordering a bucket of wings for much the same reason.) But to each his own. And at least another UFC venue reduces the Hess Village pressure cooker.

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