Comment 59742

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted February 14, 2011 at 12:12:31 in reply to Comment 59724

What lefties should be doing is going to the Mayor's office and demanding that the the WH gets cleaned up and LRT gets built all across this city.

What lefties should not be doing is whining to each other about how unfair life is and then taking their frustration out by downvoting non-leftie view points.

I have recently cited the fact that NYC and Portland have far more net debt than Hamilton does and yet both of those cities seem to be thriving. Why not take that info and include pictures/videos of the lively Portland/NYC street life and get the mayor to back your vision.

If you can convince the Mayor and council that they shouldn't be afraid of the upfront costs of LRT, then why wouldn't they endorse it? They are politicians and they want to get votes.

Tell these politicians that during WWII Canada took on massive amounts of debt and yet during the next two decades the economy performed great. The debt didn't hurt the economy going forward, it helped it.

That's your goal, to convince the Mayor and council, that we need more debt, not less. If you need help in doing so, I am here for you with lots of stats.

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