Comment 5972

By casey12 (anonymous) | Posted March 22, 2007 at 18:51:59

Hamilton got screwed again by Dalton McGuinty and his lying Liberals. They lie to us in the 2003 election telling Hamilton voters in the suburbs that there will be a deamalgamation vote - that never happened. Shame Missing Mossop and McMeekin. Then Pinochio McGuinty says he'll do something about social services...and does nothing for Hamilton. Gives us $5 million less then he KNEW our city needed...then to add insult to injury, he uploads social services from Toronto. McGuinty must think Hamilton residents are stupid. Spends his money in Toronto area to help get elected...and thinks that Hamilton will vote Liberal so he uses the money to buy seats elsewhere. Come on Hamilton...let's show McGuinty and his lying Liberals the door this October!!!

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