Comment 5968

By trey (registered) | Posted March 22, 2007 at 15:51:02

I think the space should remain retail. I'm all for the Inc. moving to James North. However I feel that space is too small.

Here's what the Inc should do.

  1. Move to James North, perhaps the vacant 2/3 floor building a little south of Jerry's just past Cannon, same side. It has a marqueeish front, large windows, i think blue facade.

  2. Ground Floor. Space for TV commercial shoots and studio space for film, green screen and high ceilings for booms and lightboxes. Also a stage at the back to accommodate small performances, say 100-150 seating.

  3. Second Floor. Gallery and Exhibit space for visual art, poetry readings, book clubs. Both first and second floor should be able to hold artist functions. Where people gather and say how fabulous everything is. Third Floor. Administration.

Keep Jerry's space as retail. A flagship retail store like Guess, Diesel Gap, Roots, (bring back Beaver Canoe or Cottonwood). I think the space is too small for the proposed function. Unless all they intend to do is move their Jackson cubicles to James North, complete with a snaling Lawson Hunter. Retail benefits the most from corner exposures and a store like that would seed more street retail seen in other cities, but absent in Hamilton. It would also mix the uses more.

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