Comment 59633

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted February 12, 2011 at 11:24:40

Now, what have we learned?

a) Don't sell important parts of government-owned real estate to shady speculators and developers.

b) Don't give twice the purchase price of that government-owned real estate to the shady developer in "incentives" and "loans"

c) Don't expect anybody to live up to deals made with the Federal Government that involve not simply levelling whatever they buy (cough US Steel).

d) Sometimes those nasty cynical people are absolutely right about what shady developers are going to do with buildings.

When this is done we'll be able to see from bay to Hess. Now how much of that land is owned by you-know-who? And am I the only one who sees more parking directly next to Hess Village (also largely a Vranich holding) as a serious public safety threat?

Comment edited by Undustrial on 2011-02-12 11:25:43

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