Comment 5933

By Rick (anonymous) | Posted March 21, 2007 at 10:37:06

It is interesting that people want to live in Waterdown and then complain about getting out. My wife and I live in the centre east of Hamilton (Gage park Ottawa Street area). Her assistant lives in Waterdown. Their office is up by Toronto Airport. It takes her assistant 20 to 25 minutes longer to get to work than my wife. Constantly complains about Hamilton doing nothing for them and the road problem is Hamilton’s fault. And she had to pay allot more for this privilege to live in Waterdown. She would never consider living in Hamilton, to dirty.

I always thought that when we amalgamated that the sprawl would be more controlled and directed into certain easily serviced areas. The same with industry and then leaving the rest of the areas like Flambourgh to farmland and recreation.

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