Comment 5884

By the_experience03 (anonymous) | Posted March 18, 2007 at 18:00:06

Like I posted before...I have no issues with your rant in reference to people driving a truck or SUV that have no place in one. My issue was with your attack on the engineering of the vehicles themselves. Perhaps we will just have to agree to disagree. Get your degree and go to work for an automaker. Perhaps you can prove to the entire offroading community, myself included, that independent suspensions and unibodies do work. Until then, I will continue to be one of those people who drives a vehicle that is like a fish out of water safely and efficiently both on and off the road. Heck, I'll even continue to drive my Civic to prove I'm not biased.

I can't see continuing to post on this thread. I still feel as though my points have yet to be countered in any sort of technical fashion. Clearly you are annoyed with my long posts. I can understand why, but please realize that there is not one ounce of untrue information there and my references to various vehicles and technologies most certainly can be verified. I could go on for hours and hours, but it is clear that it really doesn't matter. You are entitled to your opinion and I to mine.

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