Comment 58354

By goin'downtown (registered) | Posted January 27, 2011 at 14:40:27

It's a real head-scratcher as to what BY has against the WH. Perhaps, being the financial bulldog that he is, there are other plans underway which will make him more money, and the Ticats/stadium would have just gotten in the way. I don't know...just musing aloud...

Either way, City Hall legal beagles better watch their diet and get ample sleep going forward. I heard the phrase "that's something we'll have to continue to negotiate with the Ticats" today.

Great. (okay, now I am being sarcastic)

I still feel bad for the councillors and the position that they've been put into since last February. No one wants to be the jerks that lost the Ticats, elections aside. And the rules kept changing, and the back room deals kept rearing their heads, and there were reams of reports to try to stay on top of (amid other municipal issues), and then, yeah, the Bratina alliance... I coulnd't agree more, though, that Eisenberger had it right all along. Entirely.

Are they ever going to bring up the velodrome, though? Shouldn't be an after-thought. Could prove to be the most progressive CITY BUILDING component of the Games.

Comment edited by goin'downtown on 2011-01-27 14:42:04

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