Comment 58262

By mb (registered) | Posted January 26, 2011 at 23:34:48

@mb, maybe RTH commenters are a loud minority, but they sure as hell are a knowledgeable, informed, engaged minority. In my observation, most citizens base their opinions and votes on what's valuable to them personally (e.g. "I don't go downtown" or "I love the Tiger Cats" or "I hate amalgamation"), not what's valuable or sustainable or even possible, for/to the City as a whole. Most citizens don't take the time and energy to self-educate themselves on the principles of municipal politics, basic economics and issues at hand; they depend upon the media headlines (often sensationalized) and their emotions. And most citizens don't engage with other citizens in issue-oriented discourse. Thankfully, this seems to be changing, regardless of income-level and walk of life. "Score one" for the internet.

When the stadium was announced, there were different groups who saw this as an opportunity:

1)one group saw this as a way to remediate a brownfield, and help revitalize downtown

2)the other group saw this as a way to get a new stadium for the Tiger Cats

How in the hell do people from group 1 have any right to tell people from group 2 that they're wrong for what they think.

Comment edited by mb on 2011-01-26 23:35:06

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