Comment 57572

By drb (registered) - website | Posted January 23, 2011 at 14:35:28

I guess we will find out very soon what contribution the Cats (or more likely their sponsors) will make to the stadium proper (not a surrounding "precinct"). If the Cats do not make this arrangement a partnership, and remain only paying tenants, then I suggest that the city make repayments to the loan from the FF out of the rent paid by the Cats and the other 200 renters/year. Say 20% of the rental fee goes to the loan repayment.

Also, as sole owners of the stadium the city should sell the naming rights and manage the facility. Also the terms of the lease should compensate the city for any parking revenue from city owned property (Brian Timmins etc). To hand these assets to a tenant is foolish. If the Cats need money from stadium operations (aside from the gate and game-day concessions) they need to invest in the bricks and morter.

Jason, I also like the public bond idea. One way or another the City needs to ensure a return on this investment. Or maybe BY needs to consider taking the Cats public. If the fans owned a piece of the team the may demand better from team management.

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