Comment 57562

By RenaissanceWatcher (registered) | Posted January 23, 2011 at 11:23:43


While your point is well taken that the MacNab Street LRT station would only be about 25 steps (i.e. about half a block) from Gore Park, one wonders about the morning rush hour logistics of making that walk comfortably. For example, when any LRT rider who works in the office buildings east of James Street disembarks the LRT at the MacNab Street stop, they would get caught in the wash of LRT riders walking west to Stelco Tower or Standard Life Building or to catch a connection at the MacNab Street Bus Terminal. And the Walnut Street LRT stop would be too far away for the "east of James" office workers when minutes count on weekday mornings.

You may be correct though that the addition of a Catharine Street LRT stop would probably be too close to the Walnut LRT stop. Might the addition instead of a John Street LRT stop be a helpful compromise?

Comment edited by RenaissanceWatcher on 2011-01-23 11:28:17

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