Comment 57516

By RenaissanceWatcher (registered) | Posted January 22, 2011 at 19:43:59

The current plans call for an LRT station at Walnut Street and a station at MacNab Street but the LRT effectively bypasses Gore Park. While it is understandable that the location of the MacNab LRT station is designed to enable quick transfers to buses at the MacNab Street Bus Terminal, there is a risk that the lack of an LRT stop at Gore Park will further reduce the Gore Park pedestrian activity that has already been substantially diminished since the opening of the the new bus terminal earlier this month.

Although the plan is to have LRT stops located approximately 800 metres apart, it is worth considering the addition of an LRT stop at Catharine Street or John Street to support the "to be revitalized" Gore Park, the Crowne Plaza Hotel and the Royal Connaught Hotel property whatever it may eventually become.

Comment edited by RenaissanceWatcher on 2011-01-22 19:51:44

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