Comment 57512

By HamiltonFan (registered) | Posted January 22, 2011 at 19:34:22

Great article Mark and has me thinking, could there be more Gravity Climbing Gyms in the Rheem building? Reed, you're great with your routes but I'm just a beginner and middle class climber and would love to see more different 5.7's - 5.9's than you can provide because I understand you have to cater as well, in your limited space, to the 5.10 and above climbers. Do we have a hidden gem of climbing in the Rheem building? It's a great sport and growing all the time. And honestly, while I have climbed successfuly 5.10's and made a mess of 5.11's (never have made it to the top and don't care) the main thing is 5.10's and above are too tough on my fingers and forearms, I'm a wimp when it comes to climbing but love the sport. A great 5.8 and I'm happy. A great night out with the wife without having to prove I'm some super freak climber at the 5.10 level and above, which are very difficult.


Comment edited by HamiltonFan on 2011-01-22 19:42:02

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