Comment 57471

By Undustrial (registered) - website | Posted January 22, 2011 at 12:09:51

Whatever your feelings on photography, it's an awful policy. These kinds of "ban everything - enforce selectively" prohibitions just lead to confusion. It's very easy for administrators - they don't have to put the time or thought into making a rule that specifically targets harmful or disruptive activity, and they can then enforce it (or not) however you wish. As a patron, though, it's not so easy. For us, rule then takes on an amorphous character, changing depending on who's enforcing it (and nearly always who's on the recieving end).

I would not be against a policy that says "ask a librarian first", but banning something and giving librarians the option to look the other way puts them in an awful position. If anything does "go wrong", it's their head for "neglecting their duties" even if they were following the same unspoken rules as everyone else.

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