Comment 57378

By HamiltonFan (registered) | Posted January 21, 2011 at 15:53:10

participant, I love both the CFL and NFL for different reasons. It's not a hard concept really if you love gridiron and football. The Grey Cup has been sold out for a number of years in a row. No flag bearing, but it's ours. And to let you know, the NFL don't give shiiite about Hamilton and it's never coming to Hamilton. Get it?

However this area has a lot of people who are negative like yourself and believe me, the CFL won't be shedding a tear if no team exists in the city of Hamilton. Believe you me.

I'm proud of the history of the TigerCats in this city and our country. It's not flag bearing, it's reality.

But if you want to look for negatives and ignore your history, that is your choice. But I won't ignore it and I won't disrespect it. I can wear a Vikings hat and a TigerCats jersey at the same time and feel perfectly at home, or a Super Bowl jersey and Grey Cup hat likewise.

Not a difficult concept really.

As well, I feel proud spending my entertainment money in the city I live in and buying a hot dog or drink from a student working at the games trying to get some cash to go through school. I like contributing to my community in this way rather than always running down south or to Toronto to spend my money. But hey, to me the game is more than a game, it's a culture and the culture of spending money in Hamilton is good to me. I like it because I like this city.

And I am so proud of IWS even though it needs much upgrading. It's a part of our history and to me these are hallowed grounds, as our many other fine buildings in Hamilton.

And I am a proud Bob Young fan whether you like it or not.

To mention again, the NFL doesn't give a rats arse about Hamilton and isn't coming here. You think Bettman thinks Hamilton is a crapper, why don't you ask Goodell what he thinks of it.

Comment edited by HamiltonFan on 2011-01-21 16:04:25

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