Comment 57227

By jason (registered) | Posted January 20, 2011 at 14:17:44

LRT info now available. I like it.

The video is deadly.

I agree with above posts. Commuting through the heart of downtown is a stupid idea, but if it needs to be done - use Hunter, Charlton, Cannon or Wilson. It's not that hard. I like this plan at the Delta of re-routing Main St through traffic onto King for a couple of reasons (and some other points) :

  1. it will break Hamiltonians out of this ridiculous high-speed, short-cut through town mindset
  2. It makes some good use of the RHVP for folks wanting to drive to Eastgate Sq. They can head east on King from Main and then head up on the RHVP to get to Queenston. This may add a couple minutes onto their car trip?? No biggie at all.
  3. It gives Main St businesses a fighting chance along there. Street parking, LRT and only 1 lane of live traffic will create a great neighbourhood retail node for this dense family neighourhood.
  4. I have no clue what they are trying to do with that one block of eastbound car traffic on King between Catharine and Mary (I think?) but it seems weird. Other than that, I LOVE the International Village concept.
  5. The King St cross section works for me. This was common in Portland. One or two lanes one-way with LRT having it's own lanes. Yes, one ways can be safe, calm and enjoyable. See St Catharine St in Montreal.
  6. Seems to me there should be a stop at Locke
  7. Let's assume that Main St will be narrowed down to 2 vehicle lanes, parking lanes and perhaps even a 2-way bike lane through the entire city, or simply converted to a traditional 4-lane two-way street (this idea makes the most sense IMO)

Overall, good design and good re-routing of the other bus routes. This is a once in a lifetime chance to transform this city. Will we take it??

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