Comment 57194

By JMorse (registered) | Posted January 20, 2011 at 10:04:40

@ jason

At last night's meeting, my question were about marketing the project to the public. My concern was that all of the investment in planning, design, and public input would be wasted if not supported by a public awareness campaign. No business would invest so much without being sure that the market wouldn't be attracted to it.

The responses I received were that, though marketing the project to the public is necessary for LRT to proceed, it's not the role of the Rapid Transit team to promote it more than they are doing now. It's up to the current advocates to reach out to our elected representatives and the public to get them on side.

During a conversation with one of the team, I over heard an older couple saying "if it doesn't ease congestion, why are we doing this?". I then directed the team member to go tell them why, adding that "Hamilton doesn't have congestion, it needs congestion!"

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