Comment 57140

By say what (anonymous) | Posted January 19, 2011 at 23:25:43

I attended and came away without any concrete answers about what the fare structure will look like, what the plan is to reroute traffic around Main from the delta to the traffic circle, whether the crosswalk on my street was a traffic signal or a stop sign, what the costs of construction or operation would be as there seems to be no concrete numbers, etc. I specifically tried to talk nuts and bolt of HOW the system would work and got no answers. The people seemed to be ill prepared to answer specific questions about my concerns about logistics but more concerned about selling me on the perceived investments that he believes will surly follow. I left disappointed that it wasn't about taking public input about station stops and concurrent bus service adjustments required with LRT implementation. I was also very disappointed with the poor reception I received when I suggested BRT was a cheaper better option. Instead of receiving public input the goal was to sell a project IMO.

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