Comment 57029

By A Smith (anonymous) | Posted January 19, 2011 at 12:01:53

transitstudent >> I looked at the B-Line schedule from University Plaza to Eastgate, not McMaster.

How dare you make an honest mistake. But seriously, do you really think that the downtown's biggest hurdle is a lack of transit? Burlington and Oakville have less and yet people are buying expensive condos at a greater rate then here.

My belief is that it is more likely a financial decision. In Oakville and Burlington, condo owners pay around $2,000 property tax on a $200k condo. Just down the road in Hamilton, condo owners pay over $3,000. That's $1,000 in after tax income saved every year.

Unless an LRT would provide more than $1,000 in benefits every year to condo owners, then it stands to reason LRT will not be as effective an incentive to bring in new home buyers.

no brainer >> You get what you pay for.

If that's true, then it likely follows that "you pay for what you get." The downtown already receives the most public funds compared to any other area of the city and what has this free money done for the local economy? The correlation from receiving public funds and economic growth is negative, not positive.

Perhaps the people downtown prefer handouts to jobs, that's a choice, but I can't imagine how building an economy through other people's taxes creates much of a can-do entrepreneurial attitude.

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