Comment 56879

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted January 18, 2011 at 15:19:04

Some great points, @Captain.

But so is our new and improved WH, something I'll bet most Canadians would be surprised (in the most pleasant way) to be exposed to, especially when identifying that with the city of Hamilton. Getting people off the highway, and into our core and Wh area can do the most good for our city by painting it int he best light possible. And therein lies its greatest value IMO. Doing so does not turn our backs on, nor does it neglect the important symbolism steel production had or has in Hamilton. (We must also be prepared for the day when we will no longer be producing steel in the traditional Stelco / Dofasco mills as that is a real possibility. But that's a whole other topic)

But why would they be surprised? What have we been doing to sell the harbor up until this point? Everyone is saying 'goodbye' Tiger-Cats and hello scaleable West Harbor stadium but if we are talking about looking pretty on television here, where is the coverage without the Cats? Why does every view on television during game-day coverage, have to be around the stadium? What's wrong with a shot of the harbor or anywhere else in the city for that matter?

I agree Hamilton is much more than just steel and lunch buckets, but all I am saying is that it isn't something to ignore or hide and I am sure there are more like you and I who do appreciate the symbolism there.

Perhaps we should more so be looking at how we can embrace both. Old and new Hamilton. Why couldn't you pick up and move Brian Timmis into the harbor for amateur sports and the soccer leagues that currently play there, and perhaps that is the Cats practice/spring training field? Opens it up more for the public. I am sure there would be closed practices that could be held at Ivor Wynne, but perhaps a view of the Cats tranining facilities during Cats coverage could highlight the beauty and wonder of our harbor?

Comment edited by lawrence on 2011-01-18 15:19:37

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