Comment 56862

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted January 18, 2011 at 13:49:31

I have a question. There are a lot of people who seem to feel the Setting Sail plan is far superior and should be left to materialize, and who are adamantly against WH being used for any kind of sports and entertainment district.

What do Setting Sail supporters have to say? Trey had some good points but I can't figure out how to find his past comments to point to it here. It was about Setting Sail/the Veledrome.

I like the Setting Sail plan. Why stray from it just becuase it may take awhile to impliment it. There is a lot of money on the table to clean up the area, but is that gift really worth changing focus on the harbor?

All I am saying is that WH (like someone pointed out above about EM), had a vision. Ivor Wynne didn't. At least a beautiful discussed and planned out vision like WH's.

The history along Balsam extends past Ivor Wynne stadium and Jimmy Thompson. Just the history behind those two names alone ads more justification to securing this part of our history for future generations. IMHO anyway.

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