Comment 56684

By matthewsweet (registered) | Posted January 17, 2011 at 13:55:33

Good! So an extra 2-3 minutes of driving. This level of inconvenience is not worth wringing our hands over. The fact that King and Cannon/Brittania are so close can be shown to demonstrate that traffic flow in the area will not be destroyed but can be accommodated on those streets.

Legitimate concerns that we should take time to address include disruption of business during construction, which though unfortunate is a fact of life and would occur during road reconstruction if not installation of LRT but which requires a more thoughtful answer to concerned business owners. Also a legitimate concern is business owners who feel that they cannot be successful with LRT in place, which may or may not be true and requires demonstration from other case studies that show that businesses can survive such major changes in the streetscape and traffic patterns at their doorsteps.

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