Comment 56677

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted January 17, 2011 at 13:29:47

I agree with a stadium fund. One should have been set up all along as only $9M or so dollars has gone into the stadium since the 70's, outside the yearly maintenance costs.

If a bldg means something to a city, oh let's just say the AGH for instance, sometimes you have to put some money in it to freshen it up a bit and modernize it. Ivor Wynne hasn't had such a vision. I love the new AGH but do people from all walks of life utilize the place? Would they agree to funds going to that project over IW? This might be a bad example but there are many projects money goes into, tax payers dollars, that not everyone will benefit from.

What if we use this opportunity to upgrade IW, but going forward we set up a stadium fund? What if a percentage of our taxes could be allocated by the taxpayer? Say 2% is set aside as taxpayer allocated funds? I want mine to go to the stadium. Joe blow wants his or hers to go to AGH or the Lister Bldg, or ... Maybe it's 5% like an RSP and we get to either allocate the entire 5% to one thing, or split it up into a few projects. Maybe a certain percentage has to go to arts and a certain percentage has to go to infastructure kind of like Canadian investments versus foreign?

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