Comment 56331

By lawrence (registered) - website | Posted January 14, 2011 at 12:32:59

I tell ya @Jasonallan, I think that would be something indeed. An extension of some sorts, to the Famers Market. Not neccesarily tied into the Market, but adding to the local farmer support in that area would create more of a showcase for it. Isn't that guy (and excuse that I can't remember his name or where he lives), who has a little farm of sorts right at his house, in that general area? You know that art exhibition they have every year in the Locke/Aberdeen area where artists open up their homes to browse artwork and mingle with the artists? Imagine if more people used their homes/properities for mini-local farms, and we had a similar tour in the downtown area - including what you proposed at the old federal building site. Surely this guy isn't going to sell us the land, but maybe we could snatch up the illegal parking lot on the old MIP lands(why is it illegal if someone could share that), just imagine.

I have always been attracted to things that are very different. And a working farm downtown, it's crazy but those are the kinds of attractions that stop people and garner a response of 'really? Cool!'

Comment edited by lawrence on 2011-01-14 12:34:51

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