Comment 56097

By Zephyr (registered) | Posted January 12, 2011 at 23:05:05

OK, I won't be mean and name names...but wow there are a couple of city councillors that are thick as two short planks.... but then there are a couple of others that are very bright. So it all balances out to what we got tonight - a reasonable suggestion to study IWS and WH as a back-up. My observation is that Bratina does not seem highly-regarded by this council... and the IWS does not seem to have a great deal of support from many of the councillors. The IWS reno is not even close to being a done deal. In fact my prediction is the IWS option will not muster up enough votes in the end. My other observation is the emails and phone calls and this website are having an amazing impact. RTH was even mentioned by name and alluded to a couple of other times...

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